What's Here - Version 4.0.11!
July 2024 - Version 4.0.11
- MADIS now uses VLAB as its software repository
- Add second maritime BUFR tank data
- Remove WXXM dups and no-data records
- Remove any legacy MADIS svn ops code from the build
- Capture all go-live changes during the transition from 2.0 to 4.0
- Add one-minute AFWS precip data to hydro netCDF files
- Change http .gov urls to https
- Add sub-minute time field to SNOTEL time pulls to fix temperature data latency
- Increase MADIS API’s max hydro records (MXHYDRO_P) to 80000
- Change hydro netcdf file maxStaticIds to 40000
- Change mesonet netcdf file maxStaticIds to 75000
- Fix height and period of wind waves
- Fix HADS bugs
- MADIS now runs on RHEl-8, PostgreSQL 12, and Java Development Kit 11
- CWOP accounts managed by MADIS.
- CWOP data being ingested directly from APRSWXNET and CWOP servers. No longer relying on findu.com to provide this service.
- CAP profiler ingest and processing moved to MADIS operational systems.
- The ingestion of HF-ASOS and EDR data moved to MADIS operational systems.
- Aircraft Based Observations now include data collected from AFIRS (Automated Flight Information Reporting System) and Mode S EHS (Mode S Enhanced Surveillance) systems.
- Initial version of HADS that handles Iridium and cell modem pathways.
- Enhancements to the MADIS API V4.5.
- SNOTEL improvements:
- BUFR message output.
- SNOLITE data added.
- SNOTEL daily min/max changed to hour 2400 of current day instead of hour 0000 of the next day.
- The ability for all MADIS surface station provider changes and additions to be handled by the NCO Tier-2 support team and Synoptic, which means provider additions and changes can be made weekly instead of waiting on a MADIS version release.
- Aircraft Based Observations (ABO) display enhanced to provide mouse over data display capabilities.
- Additional HADS, AFWS, SNOTEL, MADIS mesonet providers and stations.
- MADIS mesonet, snow, and hydro pages updated automatically to reflect weekly additions and changes.
- MADIS real-time changes captured weekly and provided as metadata to NCEI.
- Enhancements to madis-data.ncep.noaa.gov website.
- DNS addition that points to the MADIS amdar web site amdar.noaa.gov instead of the OAR/GSL web site. Enhancements to amdar.ncep.noaa.gov.
- DNS addition that points to the MADIS CWOP home page cwop.noaa.gov. Enhancements to madis.ncep.noaa.gov/madis_cwop.shtml.
- AFWS Provider updates
- CWOP updates
- Start of provider validation on MADIS data ingest standard
- MADIS now handles all Clarus QC plus QC descriptions have been added for tiers 1-3
- The World Meteorological Organizations' (WMOs) Global Data Center announced in May 2017 that MADIS will be providing a common data interface for all WMOs.
- Hydrometeorological Automated Data System (HADS) new sites additions/changes.
- Automated Flood Warning System (AFWS) new providers added:
- Fort Collins, CO (FORTC)
- Calcasieu, LA (CALCA)
- City of Salem, OR (SALEM)
- City of Richmond, VA (RICHM)
- Tulsa (TULSA)
- Snohomish, WA (SNOHO)
- Hays County, TX (HAYSC)
- Harris County Flood Control District, TX (HCFCD)
- Washington County, PA (WASPA)
- Grand Prairie, TX (GPTEX)
- Fort Worth, TX (CFWTX)
- Kansas City Metro Alert Network (KCMET)
- City of New Orleans (CNOLA)
- Lavaca Navidad River Authority (LNRAT)
- Comal County, TX (COMAL)
- City of San Antonio, TX (CSATX)
- Southwest Florida Water Management District, FL (SWFWM)
- City of Belton, TX (BELTX)
- Trempealeau County, WI (TCOWI)
- Pine Island, Minnesota (PINEI)
- Bureau of Indian Affairs (Lakewood, CO central office) (USBIA)
- National Mesonet and IOOS new providers added:
- Washington State University Ag Met (WSAgMet)
- Colorado State University Ag Weather (CoAgMet)
- Kentucky Mesonet (KYMN2)
- University of Delaware (DEOS2)
- South Dakota Mesonet (SDSMeso)
- Iowa Environmental Mesonet (IEM)
- University of Alabama Huntsville (CRN2-Al)
- Coastal Carolina (CC-ECONet)
- North Dakota Agricultural Weather Network (NDAWN)
- Pennylvania State University
- Allegheny Co Air Quality (PSU-ACAQ)
- Pennsylvania Turnpike (PSU-PATC)
- Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS) new providers added:
- Illinois Department of Transportation (ILDOT) (McHenry County)
- Arizona Department of Transportation (AZDOT)
- Delaware Department of Transportation (DEDOT2)
- California Department of Transportation (CADOT)
- Montana Department of Transportation (MTDOT)
- New York Department of Transportation (NYDOT)
- Oregon Department of Transportation (ORDOT)
- South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT)
- South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT)
- Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PADOT)
- Applications Program Interface (API) updates for RWIS, Mobile and SHOUT
- Enhanced metadata for Clarus and National Mesonet
- SNOTEL updates/changes
- CWOP new sites added/updated
- Provider and sub-provider station counts updated
- Updates to MADIS-Data website
- Initial release of AMDAR website
- Hydrometeorological Automated Data System (HADS) new sites additions/changes
- SNOTEL updates/changes
- Added Data Provider - New York State Mesonet
- Added Data Provider - Nebraska Mesonet
- New Aircraft public data display available here
- Water Vapor sensor data available
- CWOP new sites added/updated
Past Versions
March 2023 - Version 4.0.8
2020 - Version 3.0
2018 - Version 2.2
May 2017 - Version
December 2016 - Version 2.1.5
- MADIS ESRI Graphical display of ABO data enhanced to include Aircraft sounding displays (restricted prior to 48 hours elapsed from observation hour)
- API upgrade to include WISDOM, Clarus, and mobile data sets
- Hydrometeorological Automated Data System / Automated Flood Warning System (HADS/AFWS)
- SNOw TELemetry (SNOTEL)
- Eddy Disemination Rate (EDR)
- Surface mobile dataset (NOAA only)
- Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FLDEP)
- Sensing Hazards with Operational Unmanned Technology (SHOUT) AVAPS data
- Georgia Department of Transportation (GADOT) is now public data access
- CWOP new sites added/updated
August 2016 - Version 2.1.4
- Data providers Restored, Added or Enhanced
- MOComAgNet - University of Missouri
- indot - Indiana Department of Transportation (road variables by sponsored access only)
- ksdot - Kansas Department of Transportation (sponsored access only)
- madot - Massachusetts Department of Transportation (sponsored access only)
- medot - Maine Department of Transportation (road variables by sponsored access only)
- midot - Michigan Department of Transportation
- mndot - Minnesota Department of Transportation (road variables by sponsored access only)
- modot - Missouri Department of Transportation
- nddot - North Dakota Department of Transportation
- nhdot - New Hampshire Department of Transportation (road variables by sponsored access only)
- ohdot - Ohio Department of Transportation
- widot - Wisconsin Department of Transportation (road variables by sponsored access only)
- WT-Meso - West Texas Mesonet
- MAP - Multi-Agency Profiler (MAP) dataset
- 1-minute ASOS (formerly known as High-Frequency METAR (HF-METAR))
- Non-Federal AWOS DIGIWX
- Providers Reduced or Not Available
- ARLFRD - missing derived product PCP1H
- WYDOT - stations 45 and 47 missing (road variables by sponsored access only)
- VTDOT - being provided by MesoWest (Q4 FY16 for direct feed)
- Additional Changes
- Added Automated Flood Warning System (AFWS) product
- Added ACARS Weather Information Exchange Model (WXXM) product
- Restored TAMDAR dataset (highly restricted)
- WVSS-II added for Public aircraft data
- Added MADIS Aircraft display using ESRI basemaps
- Revised MADIS Metadata site using ESRI basemaps
- GPS-Met data moved from Public to NOAA-only dissemination
- Revised list of data providers and station count for each provider (sub-provider station counts will be revised in future updates)
November 2015 - Version 2.1.3
- Removed grib1 dependencies
- Added a verification script for real-time processing and data-recovery
- Changed surface display to ESRI from google maps
- Changed acars upper pressure range to 1042 from 1026 per airline (A4A) request
- Reduced DECODE ncsyn calls
- Fix Aircraft array out of bounds bug
- Add real-time and data-recover build scripts
- Provider syncing: NEPP, AKDOT, NHDOT, APRSWXNET, fort_greeley, MOComAgNet, WYDOT, AJKNDBC, AKDOT, GADOT
- Fix DR decode cleanup so it keeps 36+ days of files
- Fix aircraft archive data
- Handle LDM no-harm no-foul pipe issues
- Fix sfcdump api issue with un-initicialized variables
January 2015 - MADIS Transition Completed
MADIS has transitioned to operations at the NWS National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Central Operations (NCO), with archive capabilities provided by the National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service's (NESDIS) National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). NCO will provide operational and MADIS help desk support at madis-support@noaa.gov. The MADIS development team at NOAA's Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Reasearch (OAR) Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL) Global Systems Division (GSD) will provide enhancements and software maintenance support.Last updated Jun 17,2024